As we go through life, we often experience health changes that could trip us up or slow us down. For some, that includes hearing loss. Rather than letting that be the end of the story, you can choose a different path … one that leads to hearing well and living well.
Let’s look at how to get from where you are to where you want to be … 6 simple steps to getting hearing aids and better hearing. As the ancient Chinese proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Come along, we’ll walk through each one together …
#1: Recognize you have a hearing problem.
There’s simply no way to fix a problem if you don’t even know that one exists. Common signs of hearing lossinclude:
- Turning up the volume on the TV, radio, or other electronics
- Asking others to repeat themselves
- Thinking that others are ‘mumbling’
- Difficulty understanding speech, especially in noisy settings
#2: Schedule a hearing test.
If the symptoms in step #1 are familiar to you, there’s a good chance you have hearing loss. The easiest way to confirm or deny your suspicions is to undergo hearing testing. In-person hearing tests are typically more detailed but a simple online hearing screening can also provide useful information.
#3: Get help from a hearing professional.
If your hearing test reveals that you do have hearing loss, don’t try to figure out a solution on your own. Seek the advice of a hearing professional, such as an audiologist, whose expertise involves helping people find the best hearing loss solutions.
#4: Explore different kinds of hearing aids and accessories.
Many people don’t follow the steps to getting hearing aids simply because they’re picturing large, clumsy hearing devices that provide minimal results. On the contrary, today’s hearing aid technology includes devices that are almost invisible and can even connect to other electronic devices via Bluetooth.
Take the time to explore all the different hearing aid options available to you, as well as any accessories that may come with them. And, don’t be afraid to ask questions to be able to understand your options fully.
#5: Choose the best hearing aids for YOU.
The best hearing aids are not necessarily the most technologically advanced or the ones with the highest price tag. Yes, they do vary in cost as well as features. But ultimately, the best hearing aids are the ones that fit your needs, your lifestyle, and your budget.
#6: WEAR your new hearing aids!
This last step is a BIG one. In fact, if you do steps 1 through 5 but not #6, all the time, money, and energy you’ve invested in this entire process will be in vain. Hearing aids only work if you wear them!
While this may sound overly simple, the sad truth is that some people do go through all the steps to getting hearing aids and then neglect to wear them. Why? Reasons vary, but the most common excuse is that the hearing aids ‘aren’t working’. If they really aren’t working, it may be time for new hearing aids. But, in reality, they may just need cleaning or some minor adjustments.
Once you’ve followed all the steps to getting hearing aids and have chosen the best ones for you, keep them working well by visiting your audiologist regularly. With periodic hearing health check-ups, hearing changes can be picked up quickly and your hearing aids can be adjusted accordingly.
Are you ready to hear well so you can live well? Simply schedule an appointment today and get started on the road to better hearing!