Hearing Aid Technology More Discreet Than Ever

Hearing loss is a normal part of aging for most adults, but even with its commonality the majority of those people are hesitant to get hearing aids. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) estimates that there are 28 million people in the United States who are deaf or hard of hearing. Probably, close to 27 million of them could benefit from using hearing aids, but there are about six million of these people who have hearing aids.  That leaves too many people living life without the quality they deserve.

A recent article from Journal Online discusses newer, more discreet hearing aid technology and the advances that have been made. One patient controls her hearing aid with her smart phone and the app eliminates the need for a remote control or having to wear an accessory such as a pendant. Pretty neat, right?

But there are multiple reasons someone may not get a hearing aid. Some have cosmetic or vanity issues, others fear feeling or looking older, cost is always an issue and some people just feel that it is one more thing to have to take care of. These are all issues that our audiologists hear on a daily basis but we will tell you is that those same people who had concerns are also the same people who are glad they have hearing aids now because their quality of life is so much better.

Hearing aid technology, though, is not what is used to be. Hearing aids are no longer plainly visible to those around you. They are smaller and much more discreet, much less noticeable than in the past and people are feeling much better about this. With this smart phone app, when the user needs to adjust the hearing aid, other people don’t need to know. These advances in hearing aid technology can be seen right here in our office. We offer variety of hearing aid styles and manufacturers representing the very best technology. We help you select the style and type of hearing aid that works best with your type hearing loss and fits best into your lifestyle. Manufacturers have developed hearing aids that are significantly smaller in size and able to provide greater satisfaction in noisy social settings. Come check it out and meet our experienced audiologists.

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