So maybe you’ve spoken with your audiologist. Or maybe you have taken our online hearing assessment. When hearing aids are the next step in improving your hearing abilities, our products will completely change your life for the better. Hearing loss affects every aspect of your life, especially your most important personal and professional relationships. Hearing aids are meant to assist you in hearing the sounds and voices that you have always heard on a daily basis and been an important, consistent part of your life.
A hearing aid is an electronic device that is worn in or behind the ear that amplifies and modulates sound. These devices have a microphone to receive sound, an amplifier to increase the power of the sound signals, and a receiver to project the sounds to the ear. Hearing-aid technology has made impressive strides in the last few years. We offer a variety of hearing aids and can reach the needs and wants of any client. Hearing aids differ in size and the degree to which they amplify sound. There are many styles of hearing aids. It is important to consult with your audiologist to ensure that your selection matches both your lifestyle and your degree of hearing loss. Not all hearing aids are appropriate for every level of loss. We offer the following hearing aids:
Canal receiver technology (CRT) – This style includes an ultra-small, lightweight, behind-the-ear (BTE) piece and a nearly invisible wire delivering sound to the ear,
Open behind-the-ear (BTE) – This style includes a behind-the-ear (BTE) piece attached to a slim piece that delivers sound to the tube.
Behind-the-ear (BTE) – This style includes a behind-the-ear (BTE) piece using a tube to attach it to a customized ear mold that fits securely into the ear. Earmolds can vary in size, material and color depending on hearing loss and patient preference. Because they are larger, BTEs can accommodate bigger batteries for longer life and larger amplifiers for maximum amplification for people with a more severe hearing loss.
Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) – This style is the smallest custom hearing aid available, the CIC fits deeply inside the ear canal making it almost invisible and very discreet.
In-the-canal (ITC) – This style is custom-made to fit almost entirely inside the ear canal, making them difficult to notice.
Half shell (ITE) – This style is custom-made to fit securely in your outer ear, ensuring optimum performance and maximum comfort.
Full shell (ITE) – This style is custom-made to fit securely and comfortably in the outer ear making it more suitable for people with dexterity challenges. Larger in size than the half shell and accommodates larger batteries required for longer life.
Our website features pictures of each of the styles of hearing aids we offer our clients, and even more helpful information related to our products. We strongly recommend anyone in the Mesa, or Scottsdale areas who are looking to improve their hearing ability and make positive and significant life changes in regards to their hearing to contact us. Our professional staff and advanced technology will have you feeling back to normal in no time. With our large variety of hearing aids we will help you find the best fit and look you desire.