How to Adjust to Life with Hearing Aids: Tips for New Users

Living life with hearing aids

Living life with hearing aids can be a life-changing experience. While the benefits of hearing aids are profound, the adjustment period can sometimes feel daunting.

Whether you’ve just received your first pair or are helping a loved one through the process, this guide will provide essential tips for getting comfortable with hearing aids. You’ll also learn how to maximize their benefits and understand why working closely with an audiologist is so important for your hearing health.

4 Key Tips to Help You Navigate Life with Hearing Aids

1. Understand That Adjusting to Life with Hearing Aids Takes Time!

Getting accustomed to life with hearing aids won’t happen overnight. When you first start wearing hearing aids, you might be surprised at how many sounds you can hear that you never realized you were missing! While hearing the birds chirp again may be lovely, the number of new sounds you hear may feel overwhelming.

Start by wearing your hearing aids for short intervals each day. Then, as you become more comfortable with them, gradually increase the time until you’re wearing them the entire day.

Tip: Keep a journal of what you experience each day while wearing your hearing aids. Do they feel comfortable in your ears? Are there places you go where the hearing aids don’t work effectively? Are there sounds that bother you? These kinds of questions can provide clues to adjustments your hearing aids may need.

2. Learn How to Clean and Care for Your Hearing Aids

Proper hearing aid maintenance is essential for their longevity and effectiveness. Regular cleaning and care will ensure that they continue to function at their best.

Daily Cleaning: Wipe down your hearing aids with a soft, dry cloth each day to remove any moisture or earwax. Make sure to clean the microphone and receiver areas gently.

Storage: When not in use, store your hearing aids in a dry, safe place. This will protect them from moisture but can also keep them away from children and pets.

Battery Life: Familiarize yourself with your hearing aids’ battery life. Keep spare batteries on hand and replace them as needed.

Tip: Set a daily routine for cleaning and checking your hearing aids. This will help you develop good habits and avoid potential issues. If any problems do arise, don’t be afraid to ask your audiologist about hearing aid maintenance or repairs.

3. Learn How to Maximize the Benefits of Your Hearing Aids

To get the most out of life with hearing aids, it’s important to understand how to use your new devices effectively and in different situations.

Understand Your Devices: Spend time learning about and how to use your hearing aids’ features and settings. Modern hearing aids often have multiple listening programs, noise reduction, and directional microphones that can be tailored to specific environments.

Practice Listening in Various Environments: As you become more comfortable, challenge yourself to use your hearing aids in different settings. This includes places like crowded restaurants, outdoor spaces, or during phone calls. This will help you adapt to various sounds and optimize your overall experience.

Communication Strategies: Don’t hesitate to inform friends, family, and colleagues about your hearing aids. Simple techniques, like facing you when speaking, can significantly improve communication.

Tip: Many hearing aids are compatible with smartphone apps that allow you to adjust settings on the go. Explore these tools to enhance your control over your hearing experience.

4. Life with Hearing Aids is Easier When You Work Closely with an Audiologist

As you move along your journey to better hearing, a local audiologist makes an excellent partner for managing hearing health. Initially, they can help you find the best hearing aids for your budget, lifestyle, and hearing loss type. Then, they help ensure your devices are in working order and continuing to meet your hearing needs.

Regular Follow-Ups: Once you’ve received your new hearing aids, schedule routine follow-up appointments with your audiologist. This is essential for adjusting your hearing aids and addressing any questions you may have as you start to wear them regularly.

Hearing Aid Adjustments: If certain sounds are too loud or too soft, or if you’re experiencing discomfort, your audiologist can make the necessary adjustments. Hearing aids are highly customizable, and your audiologist has the expertise to ensure they are perfectly suited to your needs.

Ongoing Support: Hearing needs and hearing aid technology can change over time. Work with an audiologist throughout your journey to take advantage of new technology, get your current devices adjusted, or undergo further testing as needed.

Tip: Don’t hesitate to ask questions or express concerns. Your audiologist is there to help you navigate life with hearing aids with confidence!

Begin Life with Hearing Aids with the Mesa and Scottsdale Hearing Experts

Adjusting to life with hearing aids is a journey that requires patience, practice, and support. By taking the time to get comfortable with your devices, maximizing their benefits, and working closely with your audiologist, you can fully embrace the improved quality of life that hearing aids offer.

Remember, you’re not alone in this process. Your audiologist is there to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your transition is as smooth and successful as possible. At Advanced Hearing Group, we have experienced audiologists in Mesa and Scottsdale, AZ that are ready to help YOU navigate life with hearing aids.

Schedule an appointment with us today and get on the road to better hearing now!

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