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13967 W. Grand Ave
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Tag Archives: otc hearing aids
Hearing Aids Prescribed by an Audiologist vs. OTC Hearing Aids: What’s the Difference?
In recent years, over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids have been getting a lot of attention. But, one question remains in the minds of many people: How are hearing aids prescribed by an audiologist different from OTC hearing aids you can get … Continue reading
Posted in audiologist in Mesa, audiologist in Scottsdale, benefits of prescription hearing aids, hearing aid maintenance, hearing aids prescription, hearing health, hearing loss treatment, hearing test, Heath and Wellnes, Audiology, Hearing Tests, Audiologists, preventing cognitive decline, risks of OTC hearing aids Tagged audiologists in Scottsdale, hearing aids, hearing health, hearing loss, hearing tests, otc hearing aids Comments Off on Hearing Aids Prescribed by an Audiologist vs. OTC Hearing Aids: What’s the Difference?
A Candid Review of the Sony CRE-C10 Self-Fitting OTC Hearing Aids
In recent months, the hearing healthcare world and news media have been abuzz with information about over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids like the new Sony CRE-C10 OTC hearing aids. While not hearing the buzz could mean you need hearing aids yourself, … Continue reading
Posted in Heath and Wellnes, Audiology, Hearing Tests, Audiologists Tagged audiologists, audiologists in Mesa, audiologists in Scottsdale, hearing aids, hearing doctor, hearing health, hearing loss, hearing tests, otc hearing aids, over the counter hearing aids, Sony CRE-C10, Sony CRE-C10 review Comments Off on A Candid Review of the Sony CRE-C10 Self-Fitting OTC Hearing Aids
Are Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids Right For You?
Over-the-counter hearing aids, more commonly referred to as OTC hearing aids, have been getting a lot of press lately. That’s because bipartisan hearing aid legislation passed by Congress back in 2017 is finally coming to fruition. In the 2017 bill … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged audiologists, audiologists in Mesa, audiologists in Scottsdale, hearing aids, hearing doctor, hearing health, hearing loss, hearing tests, otc hearing aids, over the counter hearing aids Comments Off on Are Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids Right For You?