For many people, traveling is a great way to expand their horizons, learn about other cultures, and meet new people. If you have hearing loss or other hearing impairment, however, traveling can come with many challenges. With a little knowledge and some planning ahead, though, it doesn’t have to be stressful or worrisome.
The basics of traveling with hearing loss
To better enjoy your travels, there are two very important things to remember:
- A good attitude. Other than planning ahead, staying positive is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your travels. With the right mindset, you will be better equipped to meet any challenge that comes your way, and be able to problem solve when a difficult situation arises.
- Your hearing device(s). Whether you have hearing aids or another assistive listening device, they are meant to be used, not left at home in a drawer. Traveling without them will only hinder your ability to communicate with others and have an enjoyable trip.
Checklist for traveling with hearing loss
Once you’ve checked that your attitude and hearing devices are in order, it’s time to consider these tips before and during your travel:
Before you go …
- Have your hearing aids cleaned. They work best when they are free from debris and are properly adjusted to your ears. Don’t neglect hearing aid maintenance!
- Buy and pack extra batteries. Plan ahead and bring plenty of extras to prevent a hearing emergency. Depending on where you’re going and how you’re getting there, it may not be convenient to stop at a store to get more.
- Make travel arrangements in advance. The more you have planned ahead of time, the less you have to worry about figuring out when you get there. Print out hotel, car, and any other reservation confirmations to prevent confusion.
During your travel …
- Advocate for yourself. Don’t be afraid to tell others that you have a hearing impairment. Most people are more than happy to accommodate your needs if they are simply aware of them.
- Utilize your hearing aid features. If you have smartphone hearing aids, they come equipped with many features that can be very helpful when traveling. Use an app on your phone to easily adjust your hearing aids as you transition from one environment to another, or use GPS to locate the devices if you accidentally misplace them.
- Ask about special provisions for the hearing impaired. This includes your hotel, at the airport, and any other place you visit where hearing may be challenging but essential to your safety or travel plans.
The more you prepare, the better the chance you have of being able to reach your destination safely and enjoy the journey getting there. Not every problem can be prevented, however, so don’t be afraid to give us a call if you run into questions while you’re away. If your hearing device isn’t working properly, we may be able to assist you over the phone or direct you to a hearing professional nearby who can help.